" Open Studies "
'According to the World Health Organization, the data on juvenile distress appear alarming: over 20% of adolescents suffer from mental disorders and suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people. In Italy we also have a sad European record: our children already consume alcohol at the age of 12. (source: Presidency of the Council of Ministers).
It is to cope with this emergency that this year the 'Psychological Wellbeing Weeks' have been dedicated to the great theme of adolescence, a very complex period for the youngest and their parents.
And it is for the same reason that we have decided to join the 'Open Studies' initiative thanks to which we can host for free in our studio anyone who feels they need to share the difficulties that, directly or indirectly, are often faced in this very delicate moment of life.
The meetings will take place in our studio in via Millelire 1, Thursday 14, 21 and 28 October from 9 to 20 (by appointment). 'Read "Wellness weeks ....">
" At school of respect "
Never as in this historical period is it very important to raise awareness, especially among the young, on the theme of violence and especially that of gender. The data are in fact alarming: only in Italy, during the first lockdown, according to Istat (2020), calls to the anti-violence number 1522 underwent an increase of 73% compared to the same period of the previous year. The same source reports that 45.3% of victims are afraid for their own safety and 72.8% do not report the crime suffered.
Since 2017, the 'Equilibra Association for Social Welfare Onlus', with the collaboration of the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, aims to prevent and combat violence in relationships through a prevention project called "A School of Respect". This project, widely spread throughout Italy, involves students of first and second grade secondary schools, and from 2019, through our studio, also in schools in Sardinia.
The project has the general objective of increasing the awareness of young people (future men and women of tomorrow) on the phenomenon of violence and in particular that of gender, making them aware and informing them of their rights so that they can protect themselves in case of violence or abuse suffered. and / or assisted.
The activities provide for the full participation of the young people involved who are the first to promote the contents learned through the creation of brochures and explanatory materials.
The goal is that the impact of awareness is not limited to the children involved in the project but, thanks to peer education, can also be transmitted to their peers, reverberating on the entire school and on the territory to which they belong.
" Let's get online "
The 'Let's get online' project was born from the desire of the ACLI of Elmas to create a communication structure that brings together all the cultural, sports and social associations participating in the project and present in the Masese area. This ambitious project, funded by the Sardinia Region, is made up of two parts: 1) the creation of an information brochure and a common website 2) 150 hours of training courses.
In fact, to create a real network (and therefore a group) it is necessary that the representatives of the associations and the neet members learn to 'speak the same language' and therefore receive the same training in the 4 areas that are most involved in the construction of a group: 1) communication 2) planning 3) group psychology 4) first aid.
Our studio participates in the role of teacher trainers of the group psychology course and will train the students on topics such as the creation of a work group, favorable organizational climate and culture, shared problem solving, leadership styles and diversification of roles and tasks, strategies for solving problems related to ingroup / outgroup biases, etc.
Our training methodology will see the alternation of theoretical lessons with immersive and shared laboratory experiences. There will also be some meetings in co-presence with the communication and design teacher colleagues to allow for a practical experimentation supervised by the experts of the theoretical notions previously provided.